Denville Line Painting, Inc.
2 Green Pond Road
Rockaway, NJ 07866
Telephone: 973-625-1010
Water-Based Paint
Traffic paint is the least expensive of all pavement marking materials. It is the oldest and still one of the most widely utilized and versatile types of markings today. It can be used on all pavement surfaces as a permanent or temporary marking. The service life of water-based paint on low-volume roadways could be up to 2 years.

Epoxy pavement markings are durable markings known for exceptional resilience on both asphalt and concrete surfaces. The durability is a result of rigid bonding to the surface that results from the chemical reaction that occurs when two components are mixed. Epoxy was introduced as a pavement marking material in the 1970’s and is still a common type of pavement marking material today. Depending on the volume and type of traffic on the roadway, the service life of epoxy is 3-5 years.
Thermoplastic is considered a longlife material that liquefies when heated to approximately 400-450 degrees and then applied to the pavement by either an extrusion, spray, or preformed method creating a good solid bond to the surface when cooled. It has been used as a pavement marking material in the United States since the late 1950’s. It can be applied by truck mounted applicators or by hand liners. The hand liners are used for the installation of symbols, legends, and stop bars. Longline applications on roadways are done by truck. Thermoplastic pavement markings usually last from 2-3 years, depending on traffic volumes.

Polyurea pavement markings are a newer form of marking material to the industry. It is a sprayed, two-component durable substance that provides color stability, resistance to abrasion, and excellent bonding to all pavement surfaces. This material is applied by a special striping apparatus and is reported to have a service life of 3-5 years, depending on traffic volume.

Preformed Tape
Preformed plastic tapes, when applied properly, are known for their superior durability and abrasion resistance. There are different types of tape: temporary and permanent; with various application methods: hot, cold, inlay or overlay. They are simple to apply with minimal equipment and the permanent grade provides excellent visibility for many years. Performed tapes are most commonly used for shortline markings; including crosswalks, stop bars, words, and symbols. However, their use as a longline application is increasing nationwide.

Reflective Pavement Markers and Lenses
Reflectorized raised pavement markers are high-impact cast iron markers with one or two replaceable lenses which reflects light in either one or both directions, depending on the existing traffic pattern. They provide extra guidance for drivers during wet night conditions to enhance present pavement markings. These durable markers are impact resistant, snowplowable and retroreflective. Routine maintenance of the markers and replacement of the lenses are necessary periodically to ensure that drivers are getting the expected benefits of the markers.

Pavement Marking Removal
We offer both grinding removal as well as water blasting. Our grinding trucks and hand grinders feature interchangeable, multiple head cutting teeth to scrape the surface markings off the road. Our water blaster fires water at an incredibly high pressure to break up and remove markings. Both have the option of being operated by hand for symbols or smaller footages.